At the fag end of every interview the interviewer expects the candidate to shoot any questions to him. This is a good opportunity for you to put them on a tight spot. Most of the candidates do not use this opportunity to know about their future workplace. Even I myself have made this mistake in the initial period of my work experience. I would like to share some of the vital questions
What will be my roles and responsibilities in the company of I am selected. – Pay attention to what the employer says and do memorize what he is conveying to you. Ensure that the roles align with your long term goals and career path. If not be bold enough to open up your mind and tell him what you expect. There is nothing wrong in this.
If it is an Indian company, do not forget to ask your designation. It varies from company to company. Do ask for the typical roles of the designation which is given to you. Ensure that you are not degrading one level below your current designation. Once you accept the offer it is pretty hard to convince and change the designation. The important thing is the designations are not standardized across the organizations.
Make sure that you are aware about your supervisor. Enquire about his designation and his roles. For most of us the role models will be the supervisors. If possible ask for an appointment with him to the HR executive. He would be clearly able to explain you about your work and what he has got in his mind for you. You can then decide how well he will mentor you.
Ask about the work timings. If you have any aversion to work in late night or early shifts, better clarify this. Make sure that you convey your aversion towards the shifts to the employer. At the end of the day it’s your life. No one will be held responsible if it is ruined.
Ask about the notice period in the company. You might feel this as a stupid question but be careful some companies do have 3 months notice period which you will known to you only after you join them. Anything above 1 month notice period is not advisable. It does not take more than 3 weeks to execute a KT plan. Now a days companies are very foxy, they will have lot of clauses to terminate you without prior notice in the employment order. I would like to stress that the same thing applies for us also.
This is the most important one – the trump card which all the company has which is nothing but the commitment bond. This will be revealed to you only after you join them. So make sure that there are no such worries which can trouble you later.
Be clear about the split of your remuneration. Be sure of how much percent of salary is under fixed income and how much fall under your variable pay. Do not get carried away by the CTC which the employer promises.
If you have heard about any buzz about the organization like lay offs, sacking under performers etc.. Put them diplomatically to the employer and watch out for his body language. If he is bit clumsy in his answer better think twice before you accept the offer.
If you are a tech savvy guy make sure that you will not work on the age old applications. Know the nature of work whether it would a production support, maintenance or pure development work.
Ask about the various policies like Medical reimbursements, medical insurance and other benefits.
Do ask about the attrition rate in the last 3 months. Anything above 15% is risky and clearly a stay away indicator.
Not but not least ask about your place of work in the city. Some companies will have their branches in the outskirts. You may be asked to move there after your honeymoon period in the company gets over. The workplace might be too far away from the city that it may take a few hours to reach office. There are people who travel close to 80 Kms a day to and fro. The impact may not be known now but later it is going to take a toll from you. You will definitely get back aches which can lead to spondylitis which is a painful deal only for you and not the company.
Most of the candidates do not ask these questions and start complaining about the company.